“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”

Friday, January 22, 2010

Zzzz.... ! Uh..oh..Present Ma'm ;)

Before you say anything about these pics lemme tell you....I'm not the only one to be blamed!! ....dim light, projector, dull slides, empty/full tummy, interesting sms, and the heavy voice of the teacher..all make the last 20 mins(umm shld i say 45??) of the lecture awefully difficult. [ah..I can already see some heads nodding ;) ]
Sometimes even happens that I start thinking about something else simultaneously..and when my brain comes back to lecture again...the teacher is still speaking of the same damn problem I left him with !! I try my best...But you can see how they doze me off...hehehe...some letters even look like chinese :D

Well, I don't properly sleep in lectures. I just have those "microsleeps" where you nod off for a second, your head starts to flop over, and you suddenly jerk awake. However mastering the skill is difficult and takes a lot of practice, the "true gurus" who can keep their posture are rare.... :)
By the end of my graduation I aim at mastering it.... ;) sorry Mom n Dad :P :)


  1. how much does it cost, to take a course on "microsleeps"???? ;)

  2. can u giv me a crash course in this "micro sleep"???

  3. @sumit: get admission in medical school, u'll have many many opportunities to "practice" !!

  4. @ pnil: I'm not sure u need it...u have many people in ur batch who can teach u :P :)

  5. well..i knw thr is already a guru here.. rashmi :D
    our grp mate..ur favorite :D mohsin :P :D

  6. o yeah..I almost forgot about the "Messiah of sleep" :) :)
    n ....he's not my fav...mil tu ..i'll explain ya!

  7. i remember many times you are sleeping in lectures and in buses too ... :) i think i have some photos... you act so good like you are not sleeping but writing lecture.... :) i am sure that i am going to see still more such things in future... :D :)
